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Information regarding Pain Relief and Prolotherapy=
« on: December 16, 2021, 05:37:48 am »
Save the link to this blog post because there is lots of info regarding Pain Relief contained herein.

Instead of learning to release fear, tension, and pain, we develop the habit of distracting ourselves from them, to keep us from feeling the discomfort we carry. Some older people mistakenly think that pain is an unavoidable part of aging and thus minimize it or do not report it. Whether it’s dull or sharp, in your head or your back, pain can really interfere with your life. Sometimes it's a symptom of an injury or disease, and sometimes the pain — like migraine headaches — is the condition itself. Often acute pain can be managed with over-the-counter medications such as aspirin or acetaminophen. A sprained ankle or other minor musculoskeletal injury will often respond well to RICE therapy: rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Topical pain medications can also be used for certain types of injuries. Acceptance helps reduce pain’s nasty effects on your life and health. When pain is not treated, it is common to feel anxious, irritable, frustrated and depressed.

Is it normal to have aches and pains with age? Unfortunately, yes. We can expect to experience body aches and pains as we grow older. Mainstay treatment of persistent pain is with painkillers (analgesics). However, these are often only partly effective. Finding other ways of managing pain can be challenging. Different people need different pain management strategies; one size does not fit all. he main difference between the two main types of pain, acute and chronic pain, is that acute pain typically has a specific, treatable cause. Chronic pain is not so easily diagnosed because it can be rooted in underlying, “invisible” causes When you focus on your pain, it can lead to distress and unhelpful negative thinking about yourself and the future. This increases tension within your body and leads to more worrying or anxious thoughts. Finding different ways of directing your awareness – for example by practising relaxed breathing, without becoming distressed – can really help manage pain. Many people in pain turn to  Prolotherapy for solutions to their sports injuries.

Over-the-Counter Medication

Trying different ways of seeing things and different ways of doing things can help you when you cannot see a way forward. Psychologists may also identify stresses which are adding to your pain and may need to be looked at. Treatment for pain depends may be a medicine or non-medicine treatment, depending on the type of pain, what has caused it and where it is. A non-invasive regenerative medicine therapy practiced for nearly a century by doctors, prolotherapy has the potential to aid in the healing of numerous ailments including common sports injuries and arthritic joints. Arthritis is a term for more than 100 medical conditions that affect the musculoskeletal system, specifically joints where two or more bones meet. The most common types are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout. Symptoms of arthritis include pain, stiffness, inflammation or swelling in a joint, reduced movement of a joint, and general symptoms such as fatigue and feeling unwell. A slight pain can become amplified rather like in a football crowd: one person starts a chant or a song and very quickly the whole stand has joined in. When this happens with pain, doctors call it central sensitisation and is one of the reasons why the severity of pain experience may have little relationship to the size of the cause of pain. Some medications are considered better for some types of pain compared with others, although factors such as the cause of the pain, genetics, interacting medications or supplements, as well as coexisting conditions,  can all impact on how effective a medicine is. There have been major advances in the measurement of pain in children, and appropriate research attention is being paid to the reliability and validity of pediatric pain measures. For most people, the idea of smelling something to make you feel better may sound a bit silly, at best. But aromatherapy has been used for pain management since the time of the ancient Egyptians. Peppermint oil, lavender oil, chamomile oil, and African marigold oil have been used for pain management ever since. The disruption to the lives of those who experience joint and back pain can be serious. From missed work to decreased mobility, the impact of back and joint pain can affect nearly every aspect of someone’s life. An alternative therapy is generally used instead of conventional medical treatment. A very careful Canadian study recently showed that women had a higher threshold for heat pain whereas men had a higher threshold for painful electric shocks. Hobbies and activities may have taken a backseat due to your pain, but it's worth thinking about how to get back to doing things you enjoy. Anything that helps you to focus on things other than your pain is a good form of self-management. Chronic pain is longer in duration. It can be constant or intermittent. For example, headaches can be considered chronic pain when they continue over many months or years – even if the pain isn’t always present. Older people are less likely than younger people to report pain associated with acute pathology, whereas age differences in postoperative and cancer pain remain unclear. You can discover extra facts regarding Pain Relief at this  the NHS page.

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